
Friday, October 19, 2007


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Israel Warns World War III May be Biblical War of Gog and Magog

Obviously I'm not the only one that has caught on to what's happening in the world stage and religious arena. What bothers me is how long it's taken for this story to be written. It's not just a Christian thing. Check out the link.

Putin and Ahmadinejad met this week and warned against attacking Iran which made me think about Ezekiel 38.

Chapter 38 begins with a prophecy against Gog. Verse 3 states, “I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.” In a short explanation, the names mentioned are sons of Japheth (Noah’s son). They are also the brothers of Magog, all who settled to the north of present day Israel. Vss 5,6 “Persia (Iran), Cush, and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its’ troops- the many nations with you.” Cush is the upper Nile region (presumably northern Egypt ) and Put is modern day Libya. Gomer is another son of Japheth and Beth Togarmah is Gomer’s son. Historically, they are regarded to have originated north of the Black Sea. North of the Black Sea is present day Ukraine and the western most reaches of Russia. All put together, the nations described are currently Muslim nations that surround Israel from all sides.

Verse 8 proclaims that these nations will “invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate.” The land that is invaded can only appear to be Israel, a nation whose people have been gathering from all over the world for 50 years.

God has intended this invasion however. In vs. 16 he declares, “In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy though you before their eyes.” Verses 17-23 describe the exact catastrophes that will befall the invading nations. They are supernaturally destroyed and no harm is done to Israel. God will not let his people be harmed. The miraculous Six Day War of 1967 should have taught everyone that, but the world has turned a blind eye.

Despite the alliances forming right before our eyes that will lead up to this war is that Syria must first be destroyed. Isaiah 17:1 says it all:
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Israel's recent covert bombing of Syria's partial nuclear plant is proof enough that it's getting intense over there...

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