
Sunday, January 29, 2006


Looks like a blank week ahead...

I opened my mailbox this morning to pick up yesterday's mail and spotted a peculiar letter from work. I thought it was my exit interview paperwork or something along those lines, but it wasn't. It was a letter from HR stating that the position I had interviewed for, that got me in all this mess, was going to someone else. I just kinda shrugged it off and threw it away. I had suspected that they might want someone cheaper since I was technically overqualified for it. But then I started wondering if my boss had something to do with it or if HR had leaked my situation to the guy doing the hiring. Oh well, worrying about it is not trusting in Him, right?

I'm not really sure what I'm going to do at work this week other than pack up my stuff and do a small amount of training. I applied for three other jobs and I hope to hear from a small lab near me that is looking for good people. Something will present itself soon enough. I've just got to face one of my bigger weaknesses...impatience! My New Year's resolution last year was to improve my patience and in some aspects I have, but I haven't owned it. It's so hard for a type A to do! Well, I'm praying for a good week and hopefully I can be somewhat productive and secure a job at the very least!

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