
Sunday, January 22, 2006


What a week!

Ok, I haven't posted in a while because entirely too much crap has been happening at work in my quest to attain another job there. I'll make it short: I will know something about my new job this week. Hopefully I have it and I'm pretty confident I do since the interviews went so well. The people were very nice and I'm looking forward to having a "regime change." On Friday, another opportunity opened up in another lab so I'm guessing that I'll have some major stress and thinking to do this week. Why, oh why, can decisions not be easier! To relieve some of the stress I was feeling this week, I went to Range USA on Thursday with my friend, Rob Walker. This is an indoor shooting range and I took my first "caps" with a Glock 19 9mm handgun available for rental. Wow! What a rush! Rob chose the Glock 27, a 40 caliber "piece" that has a bit more kick to it than the 9. I didn't like it as much and it kept wanting to shoot high and right on the target. We also tried out a subcompact 9 and a .38 Special revolver 6-shot. All were fun to shoot and we were actually quite accurate for novices. My money's on the Glock 19 for accuracy and shooting ease. My target is now without a heart area after I pumped him full of lead. After turning in the guns when we were done, we noticed what the CSI's on TV call GSR or gun shot residue on our hands. We are planning to get some of the ladies from Bev Elliott's community group to join ours for a night of "Gunning for Jesus." Nothing says Jesus like 9MM right? Ok, I know that's terrible...sorry! Our future CIA hopeful, Megan Waters, is totally pumped and ready to put a cap in whatever she can. Oh yes! You better believe we're taking the camera to see the ladies in action. We'll compare targets after it's over and see who's the true crackshot!

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