Tuesday, February 28, 2006
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Mahmoud better lift up his head and recognize!
I haven't discussed the rising Ezekiel 38 scenario involving Iran and Russia in a while, but this article caught my eye (click title above). I laughed at the screen when I read this. With all his bloviating, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can't stop an earthquake. If God wants he can dismantle every nuclear reactor they have with a temblor and the U.S. or Israel wouldn't even have to fire a shot! Make no mistake (Dubya's favorite phrase), a 5.9 is no joke of an earthquake and serves as a warning against what Iran is doing. Of course, they're blinded by evil and won't change their ways, but I predict a stronger one will rattle them good! And if God does decide to take out a few nuke reactors, centrifuges, or missiles along the way, so be it. Mahmoud can't blame the U.S. or Israel for that.