Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Click Here
Mahmoud better lift up his head and recognize!

I haven't discussed the rising Ezekiel 38 scenario involving Iran and Russia in a while, but this article caught my eye (click title above). I laughed at the screen when I read this. With all his bloviating, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can't stop an earthquake. If God wants he can dismantle every nuclear reactor they have with a temblor and the U.S. or Israel wouldn't even have to fire a shot! Make no mistake (Dubya's favorite phrase), a 5.9 is no joke of an earthquake and serves as a warning against what Iran is doing. Of course, they're blinded by evil and won't change their ways, but I predict a stronger one will rattle them good! And if God does decide to take out a few nuke reactors, centrifuges, or missiles along the way, so be it. Mahmoud can't blame the U.S. or Israel for that.
Friday, February 24, 2006
This one's for MDV!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Cautious Optimism
My interviews went very well yesterday in my opinion. Both guys were very nice and the VP used to be a music minister. When he told me that, I knew I was dealing with a Christian (yea!). The interviews were very candid and not like a normal company interview. We talked about personal things like church, engagement, and family. In a normal interview, this would be inappropriate and unlawful. The VP knew Andy Savage and Wes Richardson and commented to the other interviewer that he would love Todd Agnew, bare feet and all. He was very familiar with Union and obviously with Highpoint. When the other interviewer excused himself for a phone call, the VP told me that their business idea came about from a bunch of Christian guys looking to provide a business to a lost sector. They highly value family, job balance, and philanthropy to Memphis. They have adopted a nearby elementary school to read to the kids and would like to establish an inner-city program. He also commented on an opportunity he had to witness to a customer one day while in a one-on-one meeting. While I feel confident that I can help their business, I was so happy just to be there and to get an insight into their true company focus and their attentiveness to what God would have them be as a business. With that said, I feel confident that they will hire me, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high. It's hard not to though after yesterday! It's really quite amazing that I just cold-called this company when I started my job hunt and it turns out that God was right there in the mix. Maybe I was right, maybe He closed the doors on one job to put me right where He wants me and where He knows I'll be happy. I'll know something the first of next week...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Follow-up interviews
So I called back this small biotech company in Cordova that I had interviewed with two weeks ago to follow up on my candidacy. I had met with the president of the company during my previous interview and he generally sounded happy to hear from me today. He asked me if his secretary had contacted me last week and I said no. Apparently they were supposed to follow-up with me to arrange two more interviews. It was just as well since I was out of town. So tomorrow at 4:00 I have an interview with the president's partner and another guy who would be my boss. Please continue to pray for me through this. I would really like to get this job! Plus, it's only 10 minutes from my house! Also, I should hear something from my appeal process this week.
Friday, February 17, 2006
We're Engaged!

I've already sent an email out to everyone that I could think of, but I wanted to blog a little about it here. Last Sunday in Disney World, I proposed to my long-time girl and best bud, Melissa. She happily said yes and we're back from Disney World as an engaged couple! Some of you might be saying "finally". Yeah, I finally got my act together...I'm a little slow. We've already got a ton of planning to do and such little time to do it. We're shooting for either late Sept. or the first week in October. We need to scout out some places around Memphis. The Botanical Gardens would be nice for the reception. Can anyone suggest some nice spots in Memphis for us to check out?
Monday, February 06, 2006
Goin' dark

I may have to go dark for a while until all this employment stuff gets worked out, but I'll be back to give the details when I know them. This week I plan on filing for unemployment, playing golf, and starting my taxes. Tomorrow is my 28th birthday. Yippee! I wish I could say that it's going to be exciting, but not quite. Nothing says Happy Birthday better than unemployment under bizarre circumstances. In other news, the Steelers won the Super Bowl last night, much to Rob's enjoyment. Melissa and I went to Curt Becknell's house. I must say it was quite a party...it was packed! We had a great time, the chili was fantastic, and the commercials were pretty good. Next weekend I'll be blogging from the House of Mouse down in Orlando, soaking up some 70 degree temps and continuing to live my hopefully brief life of leisure.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Last Day
Well, sports fans, tomorrow is it for me unless I get a small miracle to happen at work. Despite my lack of things to do this week, I've still felt that sick, stressed feeling about all this bizarre-ness. I'll be glad when it's all over. Melissa has been so supportive of me during all this and she asked me last night why I thought God was putting me through this. I truthfully don't know at this point, but as you all know, He allows things to happen to us so he is glorified and our faith is strengthened. When I look back on this one day, I'll see the blessing and pump my fist with joy that it was all worth it! Thank you all for your prayers and calls. It really means a lot to me and I hope I can return the favor whenever life takes a turn on you (hoping and praying it never does, of course!). I'm going to run off to another interview. I'm looking forward to some golf next week while everyone else is working!